IMPORTANT! There comes a time when things need to change to make way for bigger and better adventures. Are you joining us?
There comes a time …
Hello! I hope you have all had a lovely week and are looking forward to a fabulous weekend. Does it include any sewing plans?
I am certainly hoping to get stuck into some sewing over the weekend, but first I have a HUGE announcement to make.
Some of you may be aware that last four months have been extremely difficult for the shop and it’s time for me to make some changes. So, after many sleepless nights, number crunching and planning, I am very excited to finally share my new plans with you.
A New Direction
The exciting news is that starting in January 2024, Gather ‘N’ Sew will become a workshop and social event hub only.
Our unit in Crown Walk will have a complete makeover, turning it into the venue I have always dreamed of having. It is going to be amazing, and I will keep you updated every step of the way!
This will mean vastly improved workshop facilities that will enable us to run better workshops, larger social sewing groups, ‘Make and Take’ sessions, ‘Sip and Sew’ gatherings, parties, sewing clubs, retreats and so much more!!!! I am so excited!
Further details about all these workshops/events will be available soon. But please don’t worry, all the workshops listed on our website will still be running as planned.
I am really looking forward to focusing all my energy on the above and getting back to designing, so watch this space.
However, in order to free my time and resources so that I can focus on the above, I have had to make a difficult decision regarding the retail aspect of Gather ‘N’ Sew.

Stock Clearance
Running and maintaining a retail outlet requires a HUGE amount of time and money. And for the past nine and half years my life has been totally consumed with all the many, many jobs required to keep the shop going.
But unfortunately, we have reached a point where the retail (shop) element of Gather ‘N’ Sew is no longer viable. Sadly, we are not alone in this, and I do understand that this is the way things are for the world right now.
So, with immediate effect, we will be having a stock clearance sale with all fabrics and haberdashery items reduced by 20%. This INCLUDES items that are already discounted and all Gutermann Natural Cotton 100m and Bulky-Lock threads (the remainder of our Gutermann and Coats Moon sewing threads are excluded).
As a thank you to all our wonderful and loyal local customers, without whom the shop would not have got this far, the 20% discount will be available IN STORE ONLY for the first week. After Friday 24th November we will send out another newsletter notifying customers when the 20% discount has been applied to all our online items.
The last day that the shop will be open to customers is Friday 22nd December and up until then our usual opening hours will apply.
Loyalty cards – with immediate effect, stamps will no longer be issued although full cards may still be redeemed against shop purchases and workshop bookings.
Gift vouchers – after 22nd December, any gift vouchers may only be redeemed against workshop/event bookings.
Sew Old To You, Sew New To Me – I aim to continue selling customer’s stashes for them, although sales will be restricted to anyone attending workshops or events at the shop. For the moment we won’t be accepting any new donations, but I will let you know when this changes. Any credit from stash sales that is being held in the shop for customers may still be redeemed against Sale purchases or workshops/events and I will have updated lists in the shop.
From January onwards, we will still stock threads and basic haberdashery and anyone attending our workshops or events will be able to purchase these.
As much as I would love to stay open to provide all your haberdashery supplies, it just isn’t viable. Hence, my decision to close the shop has been made with a very heavy heart and I am truly grateful for everyone’s support over the past nine years.
You are all wonderful. Thank you!

The Dawn of a New Era
So, although I am sad to reach the end of an era, I am not one to sit still for long and am truly excited for all the new opportunities that will now be available to me (and you too!).
After being tied to the shop for so long I am looking forward to having the freedom to explore new avenues and create fabulous new sewing adventures for all of us.
As well as our usual workshops and social get-togethers, what do you think of the following:
Make and take sessions?
Sip and sew get-togethers?
Children’s parties?
Adult/hen parties?
Sewing clubs?
Inviting me to teach at other venues/your sewing group?
Trips to stitching shows?
Sewing retreats?
Garment of the month with kits and online tutorials?
Online workshops?
Stash swaps?
Parent and child events?
Shopping excursions?
Inviting me to be a guest speaker at your group/club?
Rent our venue to run your own workshops?
The list is endless and extremely exciting! Are you coming on this adventure with me?!!!
Full details of the above will be released soon, but in the meantime my focus is on finding new homes for all our gorgeous stock.

The Way Forward
There is a lot to take in, so here is a little summary:
Saturday 18th November at 9.30am – Start of stock clearance – 20% off all fabrics and haberdashery IN STORE ONLY during normal opening hours.

Sale INCLUDES items already discounted, Gutermann natural cotton 100m threads and Gutermann Bulky-Lock threads.
Sale EXCLUDES all other Gutermann threads and Coats Moon threads.
Saturday 25th November – 20% discount will be applied to website items – you will be notified by email and social media when this has been done.
Friday 22nd December – Last day for instore shopping.
January 2024 – renovation of Crown Walk unit to turn it into a gorgeous sewing workshop/event venue.
All existing workshops and sewcials will run as planned.
Watch this space for further updates!

So, I am not going anywhere, but if you are needing any sewing supplies, now is your chance to stock up.
Here’s to exciting new beginnings!
Happy sewing!!